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Privacy & Policy

Welcome to Zokera. Your very own personalized e-commerce site that lets you analyze multiple prices of a product in one place. We are not a partner of Flipkart or even Amazon. Our site is made for the purpose of providing information and viewing different prices at different times of the year with the help of our chart description and other comparing elements.

As we respect your privacy and personal details, here is a full-fledged guide to our privacy & policy. Further in the privacy & policy, We'll describe the happenings of information collected from you.

When you click agree while using our website, 'Zokera,' it means you agree to our privacy and policy.

Information Collected

The information we collected may include your phone number, email address, name, device name, or preferred product. Zokera only uses this information to enhance user experience.

We collect your transaction information, like the details of the products you purchase, including the preferences you choose. Use all this information for legal purposes only

Furthermore, we may automatically collect your device information, such as your IP address, device type, and browsing type, to analyze target customers.

Important note: If you have any concerns now, then feel free to contact team Zokera at contact@zokera.com.

How Information Is Collected

We legally collect information through various methods:- when information is provided during account creation, product selection, or while contacting us, it comes under direct collection of data. Zokera's cookies & preferences come under automated methods of information gathering.

Purpose Of Information

The provided information is only used to enhance user experience, which includes fulfilling and managing one's needs and interests with the selected product. Analyzing data helps us to improve our website Zokera's, visitor's experience, and products. By the provided information, we make sure to use it carefully and prevent data stealing at all costs.

User data is securely stored on servers that are specifically located. These servers are maintained by Zokera professionals, and data may be replicated for backup and redundancy purposes.

Third-Party Involvement

No third-party app, individual, or group is involved in our processes. We do not share or transfer users' data to third parties. If you still need any updates about our third-party involvement, contact us at contact@zokera.com.

We believe in maintaining the ultimate privacy and control over the information you entrust to us. This promise means that users' data remains within the confines of Zokera's infrastructure. Also, we do not rely on external entities for the storage, processing, or handling of your personal information.

Our efforts to protect your privacy are reflected in our decision to manage and safeguard your data with our professionals properly. If you have any query, problem, question, or doubt about our data handling practices, please feel comfortable to contact us any time.

Use of cookies

Our website uses cookies to enhance users' browsing experience. Cookies are 'small text files' stored on devices when visitors visit our website. These files help us to recognize your device, remember your preferences, and provide personalized content. Cookies also enable us to analyze how a person interacts with our website. With this, we make improvements and change our services to your needs.

There are two types of cookies used by our site.

Number one:- Temporary cookies expire when you close your browser.

Number Two:- persistent cookies, which remain on your device for a set period. Session cookies are essential for the proper functioning of certain features. On the other hand, persistent cookies help us understand your preference over time.

When you accept our cookies, you give us your permission to provide you with a more suitable, customized, and efficient experience. However, you have the option to turn off cookies through your browsing settings.

Please Note:- Certain features of our website may not function properly without cookies. Rest assured, the information collected through cookies is treated with care following our privacy & policy. Your privacy and control over your online experience are important to us. Thus, we make sure to take good care of your information with pure encryption methods.

What to ask something? Contact us now at: contact@zokera.com.

Security measures

Your data is safe with us. We use advanced encryption techniques and updated methods to use your provided data. At the time you sign up for our site or at the time you leave, every single time, you are only involved in the protected site visit.

We use regular security audits for ongoing assessments to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

Data Retention

We retain your information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy unless a longer retention period is required by law. We regularly review and purify unnecessary data.

User Rights

We value our users just like we value their privacy. Here are some of the rights users have:-

  • A user has the right to request access to their personal information. (We never take data that is illegal or irrelevant)
  • A user has the right to ask for corrections to inaccurate or incorrect information. (While signing up, please fill in your information correctly)
  • A user has the right to ask for deletion of their personal information (We never take personal data from users that they can ask for deletion).

Sharing Information

Your each and every piece of information is safe with us. We never share your information with any third-party website or apps. However, we may use your data for affiliate purposes to ensure a seamless customer experience.

Legal compliance comes first, as we can disclose information when required by law or to protect our rights (your involvement is zero in all these activities)

Policy Updates

We reserve the right to update our privacy & policy. Any changes on our website will be communicated through our privacy & policy or via email. If you wish to suggest any enhancement, please contact us by mail.

Compliance With Laws

We adhere to applicable data protection laws and regulations, ensuring our practices are in line with legal requirements.

Age Restriction

There is no such age restriction. Zokera is a one-for-all website where one can check different prices of individual products hassle-free. By accessing or using this website, users are free of any age restriction. We don't have any age-restricted products that may harm people. Thus, we ensure every soul that Zokera is a legal and user-friendly website.

Contact Information

For any questions or queries regarding our privacy policy, feel free to contact us anytime at contact@zokera.com. We promise to address your inquiries promptly.

Contact us for assistance in exercising your rights.